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付 How to Deal with Arrogant People 付

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付  How to Deal with Arrogant People     付 Empty 付 How to Deal with Arrogant People 付

Post by ♥ heart ♥ Sat Apr 04, 2009 1:35 pm

The best
way to deal with an arrogant person is to understand why he is being
arrogant. This may sound odd, but the truth is, as soon as you know the
reason behind his arrogance you will pity him.

Arrogant people think that they are always right, they think that they
know the best answers to all life problems and they think that they are
better than most of the ordinary people. Arrogance is no more than a
shield that covers inner emptiness and sometimes an
inferiority complex.

付  How to Deal with Arrogant People     付 338_th_sword_1

What Causes Arrogance

Arrogance is a defense mechanism used by the subconscious mind in order
to prevent further criticism. If someone had a terrible childhood and
if he was hurt by others he may develop arrogance in order to prevent
further criticism from hurting him, the trick usually works, because if
someone criticized him he can simply devalue him and assume that he is

Arrogant behavior can be a result of feeling neglected. If someone felt
that he is not getting all the attention he deserves, he may
unconsciously become arrogant just to attract some of the lost

Arrogant people are single minded, they either think that they are
superior to others or inferior to them. This arrogant person who is
intimidating you feels inferior to someone else because this is how his
mind works, this arrogance may be nothing more than a way to cover this
feelings of inferiority he experiences when dealing with someone else.

付  How to Deal with Arrogant People     付 338_th_sword_1

The weak Point of Arrogant people

Dealing with an arrogant person is much easier than you think. Just
treat him as if he is not superior, I am not asking you to ignore him,
just treat him as if he is like the other normal people and this will
be enough to let him avoid you. The arrogant person is carving for
attention so if you ignored him you will remind him of his old wound
and this will let him forget about his superiority when dealing with

♥ heart ♥
♥ heart ♥

Posts : 232
Join date : 2009-04-02

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