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念 Take Charge of Your Emotions 念

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念 Take Charge of Your Emotions 念 Empty 念 Take Charge of Your Emotions 念

Post by ♥ heart ♥ Fri Apr 03, 2009 10:47 pm

Do you
expect too much of yourself? When a relationship has ended, we
sometimes become stoic and static in our response to how we need to
react to this new change. So much may be going on in our personal lives
aside from the relationship itself that we feel there is no time to
slow down and take care of ourselves in emotional times.

We’ve all heard that old joke ‘’ I’ve been thinking about having a
nervous breakdown. But I just don’t have the time.’’ But the laugh is
on us as we slowly meltdown while running around trying to tie up loose
ends. Meantime, our emotional loose ends unravel before our eyes. We
don’t feel that we should take the time to grieve the loss of the
coupling or to look at how bright our new future can be now that we are
on our own. We simply continue in overdrive until our bodies or
emotional health put up the ‘‘slow’’ sign, or we run into a brick wall
that stops us for a time.

Sometimes we take pride in how well we are able to handle difficult
situations. And while looking at the positive rather than the negative
is a good thing – we also need to make certain that we are not simply
trying to convince our minds of this truth while abusing our emotional
state and health at the same time. It is good to always look for a
positive aspect in any situation and train our brain to stay positive
and alert. But we also need to make certain that we take care of
ourselves in emotional times. Even if we are ‘’feeling fine.’’

Strength within
Bouncing back from an emotional event takes careful, thoughtful,
planning. First, take credit for having the courage to handle such a
situation. Back up this courage by treating yourself to some emotional
‘’healing.’’ Build emotional awareness by recognizing what you are
feeling. Are you feeling afraid? Sad? Relieved? Or, maybe it’s just
confusion? If the feeling is a negative one look at that emotion and
think about what you can do to get you to the opposite, more positive

Take time just for yourself - even if it is only 10 minutes a day. Take
this time and make it your own. Lock yourself in the bathroom if you
live in a place that you share with children or relatives. If you only
have a short amount of time to take for your care, you can fill the
basin with hot water, pour in a few drops of lavender oil, and let the
aroma fill the space as you sit quietly breathing in the beautiful

Fill your environment with the sounds of calming music, or any sounds
that make you happy. It can be laughter (put on a funny movie, or
listen to your favorite comedian.) Laugh! And laugh often. If you don’t
live near the ocean but love the soothing sound of water, get a CD and
play it while you are doing your chores.
Remember that good nutrition and your physical health are as important
as taking care of your emotional heath. Fight the urge to binge on
sugary treats when you are upset.

You can beat emotional fatigue by taking care of yourself. The changes
that take place in life will be easier to take on when we find our
source energy through taking charge of and loving our emotional and
physical selve.......
♥ heart ♥
♥ heart ♥

Posts : 232
Join date : 2009-04-02

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