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Post by sanfura Fri Apr 10, 2009 4:20 pm

ـا ـا ا ا A/E/I/O/U (as in Apple/English/Islam/Omen/Umbrella) Alef*
ـب ـبـ بـ ب B (as in Bird) Baa2
ـت ـتـ تـ ت T (as in Tea) Taa2
ـث ـثـ ثـ ث Th (as in Thing) Thaa2
ـج ـجـ جـ ج G (as in Good, only used in the Egyptian dialect), but it is mainly J (as in Jar) Jeem
ـح ـحـ حـ ح H/7 (A strong H from the back of the throat, like when you exhale on glass to fog it) 7aa2
ـخ ـخـ خـ خ Kh/5/7' (as in loch) Khaa2
ـد ـد د د D (as in Dog) Daal
ـذ ـذ ذ ذ Dh (a dental Z like "Th" in The) Dhaal
ـر ـر ر ر R (more like the Spanish "rr") Raa2
ـز ـز ز ز Z (as in Zebra) Zayn
ـس ـسـ سـ س S (as in Sea) Seen
ـش ـشـ شـ ش Sh (as in Shame) Sheen
ـص ـصـ صـ ص S/9 (a harder S that comes more from the throat) 9aad
ـض ـضـ ضـ ض D/9' (a harder D that comes more from the throat) 9'aad
ـط ـطـ طـ ط T/6 (a harder T that comes from the throat) 6aa2
ـظ ـظـ ظـ ظ Dh/6' (a harder Dh that comes more from the throat) 6'aa2
ـع ـعـ عـ ع A/3 (a soft A that comes from the throat, sounds like gagging) 3ayn
ـغ ـغـ غـ غ Gh/3' (Sounds exactly like the Parisian French "R") Ghayn
ـف ـفـ فـ ف F (as in Father) Faa2
ـق ـقـ قـ ق Q (it's a strong K that comes from the throat) Quaf
ـك ـكـ كـ ك K (as in King) Kaaf
ـل ـلـ لـ ل L (as in Lamb) Laam
ـم ـمـ مـ م M (as in Mosque) Meem
ـن ـنـ نـ ن N (as in Nose) Noon
ـه ـهـ هـ ه H (as in House) Haa2
ـو ـو و و W/O/OO (as in Wall/Good) Waw
ـي ـيـ يـ ي I/EE/Y (as in Swahili/Beer/Many) Yaa2

for beginners learn arabic alphabet with video
The Arabic alphabet has 28 letters in total. Each letter represents a sound, and has a distinct shape. Some letters have dots to distinguish them, but the pattern of dots is never shared for more than one letter. Each letter has four basic forms that allow it to connect and be connected to.

않   ARABIC ALPHABET      않 Vd01zd

2 = ء and ق

3 = ع ayn

3' = غ ghayn

5 = خ kha

6 = ط Ta

6' = ظ Dha

7 = ح Ha

7' = خ kha

9 = ص Sad

9' = ض Dad


Posts : 16
Join date : 2009-04-03

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