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奇 Much of wonder 奇

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奇  Much of wonder        奇 Empty 奇 Much of wonder 奇

Post by ♥ heart ♥ Sat Apr 04, 2009 1:46 pm

really wonder !! could it be ? When you faced with a hurting truth like
you’re the blamed although you had nothing to do with it at all ! It’s
really hard to be beard….Some evil creatures need to be vanished from
life….Damn them,,,

奇  Much of wonder        奇 801__th_glitterflowerdivider

Why sometimes we feel lonely and sad though we surrounded by everyone !
and why should we cry the moment we are glad ! why we have to suffer a
lot to get something we like a lot ! and why we fight the fate severely
to change it, although we know the impossibility of changing it?

奇  Much of wonder        奇 801__th_glitterflowerdivider

Why we cry silently when our sorrows need to be expressed out loud !
Why we should hide it from everybody instead of letting it go ? If we
are too weak to express our selves then why we’re alive ?

奇  Much of wonder        奇 801__th_glitterflowerdivider

Why sometimes we act so kindly that we even might hurt ourselves a lot
but never the other part ! Why should we nicely speak to strangers and
never put in our minds that life now has changed and kindness never
needed at all! Just knowing such a fact is gonna save us forever from
so many harsh experiences…I don’t know why sometimes we do things might
hurt us although we know !!

奇  Much of wonder        奇 801__th_glitterflowerdivider

Why some hearts just can’t hate and lie like others ? Why should
honesty hurt us in so acts happen to us and why we destined to have so
much hurt through the journey of life? Why getting hurt is what all our
lives about? Are we who walk this way or does hurt walk our way ?

奇  Much of wonder        奇 801__th_glitterflowerdivider

We always cry and cry…when we born and die.. when we get hurt and when
we are glad ! First time we go school and last year we are
graduated…when we say goodbye and when we travel away…when we’re alone
and when loved ones pass away…If we just think about it…we notice that
our lives full of tears and in all aspects ! Isn’t it strange?

奇  Much of wonder        奇 801__th_glitterflowerdivider

Although we keep singing but never get the joy of sensing the songs! We
sing a song about love and we cry! We sing a song about friendship and
we cry! We sing about happiness and we cry! Why all these cheerful
things have us to cry! If you noticed…all sweet things make us cry!!

奇  Much of wonder        奇 801__th_glitterflowerdivider

We always say don’t look back and let it be what it’ll be ! always we
say what’s done is done…but we never are strong to really really forget
all of past things especially bad ones…memories run through our heads
strongly than blood….how could we escape it then!! Isn’t it tough to
remove memories forever in life !!

奇  Much of wonder        奇 801__th_glitterflowerdivider

I never got the meaning of “ start a new life from now and on” !! How
could we start a new life when we had never had a life before !! Can

This used to be my childhood dream….my playground…whenever I was alone
or in need of solitude…why should people blame me for some kind of
privacy ! Why should I hear what they say and erase my inner feelings
and needs!! Why when someone cares alittle about himself…they call him
selfish! Haven’t God created us with freedom!! Freedom of soul and mind
! Then why people like to be nosy to the level that they control your
life !!

奇  Much of wonder        奇 801__th_glitterflowerdivider

It’s really funny to know that still some persons live with a rocky
heads ! Why you want life to go on the way you want ?! Why you’re so
selfish that you want everything in life for you and nothing to others
! why you see happiness and right all that you believe and say ! Allow
me to say…you’re still fresh to life and really don’t know what is it

♥ heart ♥
♥ heart ♥

Posts : 232
Join date : 2009-04-02

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