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出 Does Your Body Language Send the Right Signals? 出

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出   Does Your Body Language Send the Right Signals?     出 Empty 出 Does Your Body Language Send the Right Signals? 出

Post by ♥ heart ♥ Sat Apr 04, 2009 1:37 pm

it or not, we speak to the world without saying a word through
non-verbal communication. Almost every facet of our personality is
revealed through our appearance, body language, gestures, facials
expressions, demeanor, posture and movements.

出   Does Your Body Language Send the Right Signals?     出 T116_animateddivider2

In our professional and personal lives, we’d like to think we could
make friends and influence people if we verbally articulate our message
with optimism, enthusiasm, charisma, poise and charm. However did you
know that the verbal impact of communication only accounts for 7% of
your overall message? The bulk of our communication comes across in our
appearance and body language, comprising 55%. Tone, speed and
inflection of our voice make up the remaining 38%.

出   Does Your Body Language Send the Right Signals?     出 T116_animateddivider2

Since non-verbal communication encompasses 93% of our overall message,
let’s take a closer look at what that entails. It can include your
attire, tone of voice, clearing your throat, rubbing your eyes,
crossing your arms, tapping your toes, scratching your nose. Eye
contact, or lack thereof, gestures, crossed legs, open arms, and the
scent we transmit are all forms of non-verbal communication. Through
your choice of clothing, hairstyle, glasses, accessories, and makeup if
applicable, your appearance also communicates a strong message. The way
you dress plays a vital part in how listeners receive you and how
others respond to you. According to John T. Molloy, author of Dress for
Success, clothes are used as a tool to control how others react to you
and treat you.

出   Does Your Body Language Send the Right Signals?     出 T116_animateddivider2

In an interview situation or during a business meeting, it is very
important that you send out the right signals. Always look attentive
and interested in the opportunity or conversation - do not slouch in
your chair. If you fib, your body language, tone of voice or choice of
words will probably give you away. Classic body language giveaways
include looking everywhere other than the person you are speaking to
and concealing your mouth behind your hands while speaking.

出   Does Your Body Language Send the Right Signals?     出 T116_animateddivider2

Not only is it important for us to be aware of our own body language,
but it is as important to understand what body language means so we can
effectively assess and react to others. For example, we may pass
negative judgment on someone because they slouch, fidget, or pout. If
we are aware of why we made the judgment, we can filter out our biases
and understand what their body language means and what it is telling us
about that individual.

出   Does Your Body Language Send the Right Signals?     出 T116_animateddivider2

The most significant fact you should remember is that non-verbal
signals have five times the impact of verbal signals. When the verbal
and the non-verbal parts of the message are congruent, the listener
believes your message. If they are incongruent, usually your words are
saying yes, but your body language is saying no.

出   Does Your Body Language Send the Right Signals?     出 T116_animateddivider2

Remember, actions speak louder than words
♥ heart ♥
♥ heart ♥

Posts : 232
Join date : 2009-04-02

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