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它 it needs ........... 它

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它 it needs ........... 它 Empty 它 it needs ........... 它

Post by ♥ heart ♥ Fri Apr 03, 2009 1:19 am

它 it needs ........... 它 21ke1ap

Before you condemn or pass judgment upon someone, think very seriously.
Why do people drink alcohol, take drugs, gamble or steal? Though
questions? Yes, but there are no easy answers. Why do people do what
they do?

它 it needs ........... 它 21ke1ap

Why? Why? Why? Well, I suppose if we could walk in that other persons
shoes for awhile, for all the years they walked in them, or even for
one short day, then maybe we could understand their shortcomings, their
problems, and the things they do to escape their problems.

它 it needs ........... 它 21ke1ap

Maybe if we could experience very heartbreak and disappointment, every
failure, every chastisement they experienced; if we cried every night
we went to bed, like they have; then just maybe, we could begin to
comprehend their lives and their behavior. If we hurt so deeply and
profoundly, if we felt we had no hope, no dreams, no future, no place
of refuge to go, how would we feel?

它 it needs ........... 它 21ke1ap

Would we be so quick to judge them? I think not. Then, after walking in
their shoes for however long it may be, we may understand them. Then we
might help, encourage, care about them enough to have them face up to
their problems.

它 it needs ........... 它 21ke1ap

Today there are so many hurting people in the world who need other
people to give them a helping hand, an encouraging word, some good
solid advice, and especially to give them a shoulder to lean on or cry
on, or just someone to listen quietly to them.

它 it needs ........... 它 21ke1ap

People just don't seem to care anymore about other people.
Everyone is so busy in their own little world, they don't have the time
or patience to bother with other peoples' problems. We need to learn to
care about others, as we care about ourselves.

它 it needs ........... 它 21ke1ap

Sometimes we need to make their problems our problems. If we started
today to accept people as they are, rather than criticizing them, if we
reached out a helping hand to just one person in some small, meaningful
way, just for today to show them the way to go so they would be able to
help themselves overcome their problems.

它 it needs ........... 它 21ke1ap

What a difference we could make. Just think of the miracle that could
happen if everyone in our community, or in fact everyone all over the
world, reached out and touched one lost soul: just think of the people
who could be helped to have a richer, fuller more vibrant and
meaningful life.

它 it needs ........... 它 21ke1ap

All it takes is one person –
♥ heart ♥
♥ heart ♥

Posts : 232
Join date : 2009-04-02

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